Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Happy Cat Day!

What?! You didn't know?  It's Happy Cat Day! Every December 27th, is the day to celebrate happy cats.

Today is that wonderfully ancient holiday of Happy Cat Day. Originating in pagan customs of cat worship and discount shopping, Happy Cat Day has become a time for family of all species to come together to eat, drink, shop, purr, and be merry.

Legend holds that 8,000 years ago, Bast, the cat god of the Egyptians, looked upon the people of the world and found them lacking according to kitty standards (but I'm sure cats do the same even today). Bast set a task upon humanity then, to create a religion that would spur the greatest excess of commercialism the world had ever seen. Xmas! With this awe-inspiring shopping holiday, the Western world spends 1/4 of the entire year cruising the malls, clicking on amazon and regifting dusty things from closets. Finally, Bast's vision has been fulfilled! And on this day, December 27th, tradition holds that we must honor Bast the cat god for this economic boon.

Go buy presents for your kitties and other loved ones at severely discounted prices! Eat candy that costs 1/10 of what it did two days ago! Make food (tuna?, salmon?, cheezburgers?), drink wine (tequila, cream?), visit friends (mew?) and shop shop shop (sleep sleep sleep?)!

Bast is purring and cleaning her whiskers for next year.


Thursday, December 1, 2011


I was trying to make sure I had a post here at least once a month and here, by 7 minutes, I have let that goal slip.  Wherpsidoos.

I suppose I have had quite a bit to post about in my life, but nothing I actually want to put down in writing; if that makes sense.

I have seen funny movies and shows and crappy movies and shows.  My cats have done funny things and gross things and cute things.  My family has been alternately nutso (in a funny quirky way) and sweet and thoughtful. My travels have been exciting and complicated and eye opening...lots to write about, no desire to write about it.

Instead, I have been, for some reason, waiting for the "perfect" idea or story to come along for me to riff about.  Every so often, I will mark down physically or mentally a particularly intriguing thought or commentary I want to do, and then on further reflection, decide it's actually just sort of lame to write about something like that.

Like, my stories.  My stories always sound great in my head or while I am first writing them...but then I think on them weeks or months or years later and I see them as these weirdo little page-long blasts out of nowhere.  Like....no context, poor writing skills, not enough detail, not enough understanding of character or scenary.  I feel like they are just these clumsy attempts to capture a single mote and blow it out to a full-length description or, conversely; a grand idea that I try to concentrate in a tiny, flimsy story line....neither of these leaves me satisfied.  Perhaps if I blew out the mote to a book length thing filled with all that detail and observation.  Or, perhaps if I filled in all those empty shelves of a plotted story, plumping it up and giving it heft. hm.  But I seem only able to do one or the other.  Oh, and taken out of context because at the time I write them down, my mind is filled with those stories or vignettes for days or weeks before I put them down for real in writing (or did as with past journal entries). 

Yo.  I haven't much changed though.  I think in every diary or blog or journal or what-have-you I have ever had, I have this same complaint about myself.  It's not all that deep to rehash the same issue over and over in different venues.

bleh, enough of this soul-searching!

It still smells like turkey in our house, and for that, I am thankful.  Kitties are sleeping and it looks to be a funnish weekend. up and up.

I want some cookies (thank god I have pie).