Friday, June 1, 2012

Whatever, May

I missed May.

I really meant to post in May.  I did.  I was even going to post up til about midnight yesterday, at which point I decided it was too late.

Oh well!

It's June now.  So, let's move on from past blog neglecting.

Hurray for June! If I were in a state that afforded more than two seasons, this would be the onset of summer and it would feel sluggish, but the air would smell all heavy and fertile.  As is, the air smells about the same as it does most of the year, except the grass is still green right that's nice.

Actually, the air smells a lot better today since I asked the neighbor to please move his construction guy's port-o-potty from right outside my bedroom window.  That's what I woke up to at 4 in the morning; the gentle breeze off the bay, wafting through the screen and sending sweet tendrils of eau de toilet to my nostrils.  Ahhhhh. Gag. Slam window shut and then I stayed up for an hour seething about it and attempting to calm myself down so that I wouldn't just go over there in my bathrobe and bang on the door and be like, "yo! I woke up to poop-stink in my face! move yer damn crapper!" I didn't.  Instead I imagined all kinds of things happening to the neighbor and all the ways he irritates me (though he is a very nice man and super friendly [which may just irritate me altogether more]).  I stayed up going through this huge list until I started to hear the birds chirping.  I peeked out my window about 4:45 and saw his freaking lights were on.  ALL of them. Another thing on my list.

Dude keeps WTF hours.  No other house on the street had every light (or even one) blazing at that time.  But he does.  He's like a busy-body old woman.

ok ok....enough about the neighbor.  Seeing as how I spend a lot of time in the house, I have established a pretty good relationship with a lot of our neighbors.

This may be the first time in our history that I actually know neighbor's names and chat with them sometimes.

This also means that the normally benign, semi-coo-coo neighbors are amplified from having to deal with them more often (as in, I used to work 6 days a week, 8-10 hours a day away from home and now I pretty much am at home 24/7).  So...Mr. Niceguy next door with weird habits, ongoing construction and extreme chattiness is totally pinching my irritation nerve.  But, hurray for me! I am still relatively a nice public person and was able to wait until morning to go over (when I saw him outside picking out rocks from his front lawn/dirt pile in a Jersey track suit and flip flops [WHY does this annoy me so?]) to talk with him about moving the port-o-potty to somewhere not 5 feet in front of our windows.  He was super nice and accommodating and apologized "I didn't even think about that" (grumble grumble, I KNOW!).  We chatted about construction time frames and whether or not my landlords were going to finally fix that thing that's on their side of the fence but effing up his yard and so on.  He didn't even have to ask his guys to move the potty.  They heard me complaining (hopefully in a nice-ish way...errrrmmmm) and went as if summoned by telepathy to move the thing all together while neighbor and I still chatted on the porch. 

Mission accomplished! I felt silly for allowing myself to get so pissed during the early morning hours and lose sleep over this....but, you know...I DID have to close the window and sweat and stuff with the cat sleeping on my feet like a furnace...soooooo. I suffered.


YAY! June! You know why? Only one more month (so he says) of jackhammers in the morning.  I look forward to wishing everyone a happy hammer-less day.  They won't know what I'm talking about and will probably go home that night to write about their irritating, socially awkward neighbor ranting about hammers and brown grass and port-o-potties.

ahhhhhh, the circle of life.