Monday, February 10, 2014

Eye Catching!

I was just reading a thing the other day about how to write the perfect blog post.

The first point is to make an eye-catching title, cause without that, no one is going to look any further anyway.

There was stuff in there about bullet points and breaking it up into pieces and something something something...oh...relatable?  Whatever.  The title thing got me though.

Eye Catching!

So...but, literally, right? Maybe if it's the actual title (not literally as in it will literally catch your eye...that would be ground for a lawsuit and probably impossible with current technology...) is that enough?

  • write about something relatable
    • like frog rains?
    • cat whiskers?
    • baby farts?
  • um, use bullet points
    • to make it look like digestible information
    • always remember to make at least two points per bullet shape, otherwise there's no point to the....point (see what I did there?)
oh dude.  I have always been iffy on the outlines as is.  

Next thing I remember is about putting in the perfect image to illustrate your topic.  Well, considering I am (bullet point) too lazy to figure out inserting pictures and (bullet point) think that a post about writing a blog serves as the very image to illustrate writing a blog (SO META!); eff that.

Digestible chunks.

ok, so, mission accomplished? 

yeah.  Let's say that.  Mission accomplished.

Boom! blog post to go down in history, yo!

(but now I am seriously thinking about technology that would allow the user to physically pluck someone's eye viewing the screen...something akin to the creepy Japanese kissing machine connected via the interwebz?  Now I've squicked myself out...bleh...mechanical, remote-control tonguing...shudder.)

Fortunately I do not have to rely on these things for my ego or my paycheck so I can just sort of, um, "write" stuff here with crappy content, lame-o titles, no bullet points ever, and excuses about the image of letters on screen being the most poignant picture needed for a blog entry on blog entries....and digestible chunks.  I just like saying, "digestible chunks," makes me think of fondue, for some reason.

And! I can be a scatter-brained widget.  Hurray!

And! I can use a lot of exclamations....though it appears, after reading tons of other people's blogs, that using tons of exclamations doesn't really drive readers away.  hm.

Random thought of the moment, "'s still February" yeesh.

Welcome to the boring, rattling-beans-in-can blog post of the inside of my mind.  Thank you for reading to the end.  I leave you with....nothing! (Eye Catching!) 

  • I give you
  • permission
  • to vacate
  • the premises

  • Adios Muchachas