Thursday, September 27, 2012

Summer time?

Ha! Whoops!

Well, let's pretend the Summer never happened anyway...cause...well, it really doesn't around here.  I think we had one or two days above 80 and done.

Whatever, Fall is so much better.  Has cooler holidays, good build up to Winter and so on.  Even around here...sorta.  Fall is the lead-in to rainy season here.  It's harvest season and I feel less of a crack-a-doo walking around with my jacket on than in the Summer.  But the holiday thing is for real.  Better holidays by far.  You have the high holy days for the Jews, you have Halloween and Thanksgiving and then all those weird federal holidays on Mondays as well.

Fall is also the lead-in to flu season.  Got me a flu vaccine today.  Got one of those AND a whooping cough vaccine...didn't read the side effects until after I had already got it.  So....maybe this nasty feeling in my stomach and headache are from the vaccine?  I could see it.  Just so long as it stays tame like this and only a bit crampy.  Nothing crazy, please.  Come on, antibodies! Right?  Seriously though, I remember getting one of those Hepatitis vaccines in high school and then going to a friend's birthday party and wondering why I felt so disgusting the whole time, until I went back and read the side effects.

I always get side effects.  But I don't realize that's what they are til I get them and then go back and read them on the info packs.  Doh! I hope this set of side effects is like that Hep vaccine I got where I only felt disgusting and nothing much came of it after that.  Fight those dead viruses, body, fight!

I am actually super psyched about it being October in a few days.  I just want the summer to be done with.  I'm really excited about seeing rain again.  It gets tedious with sunny, breezy days.  I know I complain about that a lot, but for gets pretty Groundhog Day up in here.

Good sign, though! Had to turn on the heat today.  Yes! And football's in regular season.  Yes! Finally for the Fall and Winter months.  And now I am all vaccinated against the nasties, so I can lick as many BART seats as I please, right?  Isn't that how vaccinations work? 

I'm pretty sure it is.

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