Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What is Purgatory?

Purgatory is waiting for the Fedex truck between the hours of 8am-5pm.

This is driving me insane. 

I know I have to wait for it, because I have to sign for one of the packages.  There has to be a better way, though.  This sitting around going nuts thing can't be the most efficient way to deliver packages.

Also! As I was finding something else to do that doesn't require me going out of the house or loud noises or locked in the bathroom, I saw the frickin' truck go by my kitchen window...IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION!

I almost threw down my pet project of the moment and ran outside to flag them down.  I would have done it, if I were wearing shoes and think I could have caught them soon enough. (poo on barefoot in the kitchen!)

I have been waiting 5 hours now, with 3, potentially to go...and you know, of COURSE the only time you actually have to sign for a package, they don't show up til the very end of the day when they usually come in around 10am. 

Drives me crazy...and I feel like it's going to turn into one of those episodes of waiting for the delivery truck and then it doesn't come at all, but the next day and they say it was just a day hold up, what's the big deal? agh!

I feel like they should give you a call when they are 30 minutes out, so if you are at work, or the store or picking up the kids or at lunch, you have time to get home and be ready to sign.  Cause, otherwise...I guess....you just have to...........wait......in.....Fedex purgatory.

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