Thursday, March 29, 2012


I just finished watching all the seasons (minus the TV movie) of Farscape television series.  Though some of the characters really, truly got on my nerves (to the point that I would fast forward their monologues) and some of the plot got sticky and stupid, I got that feeling I get when watching a series 2 or 3 episodes a day in a row...I missed them like buddies when the show ended and find myself wondering how they are doing.

I think the show got too mired down in being dark and broody, especially in the 4th season.  They also sort of took away the main female's strength and made her an emotional wreck that was not capable of living her life without the main guy in it...which is sad to see.

There was also a lot of physical violence against so called friends and allies that I don't really understand why it had to be a part of the show.  Like, why, to make a point, do you have to hit people in the head so much to knock them unconscious? Or, why, to get your ideas through to someone, do you have to grab them and drag them here and there or push them or kick them?  It seemed all rather barbaric, especially since the main character is supposed to be a rocket scientist, not an abusive meat head.

But all that aside, it was a rich tv show and had a lot of depth of emotion and character development and how people deal with constant stress and the need for community., to give some methadone to my Farscape addiction, once it ended, I jumped immediately on the next scifi series I had lined up in the queue...Lexx.  Yo...Lexx made me appreciate Farscape even more! I gave Lexx it's first season and half of the second, but it was so hollow and just obsessed with being demented that I decided it wasn't worth the time to watch it.  The plot lines were sketchy, the acting was pretty sad and the writing was uninspiring. 

I can understand what they were trying to go for there (especially in the first season) with future dystopia and playing off of 1950's/60's scifi literature and pulp.  I could even smell a bit of Buck Rogers, Farscape, and Blade Runner in there.

Unfortunately, it didn't hold my attention long enough with it's psycho sex obsession or gross out factors. 

So now I am hunting for a new Farscape.  I think I will soon start the Walking Dead, since everyone seems to say how awesome it is, and it's now on Netflix.

From spaceships to zombies.

Good times!

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