Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Wasn't I going to use this space to, like, write mind-blowing stories and discuss brainy matters and junk?  Hm...pfft.

So...dude.  I think I am starting to seriously O.D. on kale.  It was a wonder veggie for a couple of years there, for sure.  It had all the heartiness (read: fiber), vitamins, flavor, feel-healthy appeal.  For real! It still sort of does.  But I think I am getting to the breaking point with it (I mean, also, it helps that it's super cheap at the store and farmer's market).

But now, every time I think about it, I feel either total disdain or even a slight nausea.  We have kale for greens, make kale chips (I have totally O.D.'ed on those!), blend it into sauces, soups...We braise it, bake it, steam it.  Really, it's been our go-to veggie and now I think I am done.

I'm trying to think of when something like this has happened before and it might be the curry stew phase I went through a few years ago.

I made curry stew out of everything.  EVERYTHING! "What's left over in the fridge?  Oh? Some KFC, sweet potatoes, and Brussels sprouts from last week? Sounds great!" Then I fry up some onions and garlic, toss in the curry spice mixture (turmeric, cumin, ginger, curry, cinnamon powders), stir stir stir, add longest cooking (potatoes) and then the rest and let sit simmering for about an hour.  I usually added water too, so things wouldn't stick. 

When I say, "everything," I mean, everything.  "What's on sale at the store? Oh? blueberries, chicken breast and canned okra? Sounds like a curry stew night!" That one was my curry stew low point, admittedly.  Fortunately, my wifey wasn't at home for that and I only had to face my coworkers with my savory-scented blue glop the next day at lunch.  They actually scooted away from me at the lunch table...even when I tried to reassure them that it was curry! Really, just curry! "Curry and WHAT? Why's it blue?"  Sigh.  "That's cause of the blueberries skins, duh." Concerned looks.

Right, so, since then, I have sort of burned out on curry stew and I have repelled others with my creative ingredient choices for said stew.

I suppose that's where we are now with the kale.  Ew. Even thinking about it makes me feel bleh.

Of course, currently I am sort of getting obsessed again with sweet potatoes.  So hurray for sweet potatoes! They are great! Full of vitamins, roughage, minerals and flavor.  Yum!

(Maybe I can work them into some sort of curry....)

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