Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas! really helps you connect with the past, right?   I was cleaning out a lot of stuff this week and found my journal from my fiction writing class in college and my duffel bag full of random writing from high school and beyond! 

Every time I start to seriously pick up and clean out a space, I inevitably end up sitting on the couch, the bed, the floor, etc...and reading through some old stuff I don't even remember writing way back when.  The exciting part about this is that I usually think this stuff is AWESOME! And, how could I ever even attempt to write anything that cool and maybe someone else wrote this stuff, because it certainly couldn't have been me.  Of course, then I go through the check list in my mind like: Was I perhaps drunk or otherwise intoxicated when I wrote this piece?  Was I in a really ecstatic or depressed state?  Where was I living at the time? etc, etc.

This has been a phenomenon since I was in middle school, at least.  I remember getting into some late night  frenzy of cleaning out my room and then getting stuck until 4am (or worse) sitting on my green carpet (I had forest green carpet and cloud wallpaper with a wooden lattice work up my walls) reading through memories and tidbits I had squirreled away for my future self.

I think it is sweet that I was always thinking of my future self.  I divided my thinking into future self and present self.  If present self was not happy with what was going on, I would blame my future self.  It only makes sense.  The only one to blame is future self, really.  If my tea is cold and my cookies taste like glue, I blame future self for never putting the water to boil again or mixing the ingredients the correct way.  At times, I realize that I AM future self, making sure my present self will be content in my surroundings.  I set things up so that present self is comfy and happy and set in all things creature-comfort.  I will make sure the remote is handy, the scotch is accessible, the movie is queued up, the cats are taken care of and then I can relax..."Thanks future self!" I will say, once I am seated and sipping and satiated.....or maybe it's past self by then?  Who can tell...Anyway, is time really all that linear, etc?

Back to the point! I found my journal, though mildewed and nasty and yellowed and all...I shall post some of the things I wrote in there (I don't remember writing them, it must have been the writing gremlin/muse/thing) and see how they fly. 

I wonder if I still have this story I remember writing about blond people and how they are indicative of some genetic liked that one.  Good Times!


In any case, Merry Christmas, ya'll!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Workin' It

Hey now.

Let's get this Glaring going.

Originally, I was thinking of using this space to post funny things I had written (well, funny to me, at least) way back when and some stuff I have written more recently.  Ok, not all of these things are actually funny.  Some are deranged, twisted and disturbing...but whatever, creativity and stuff!

I have been digging up some old notebooks from college and I even have things from high school and beyond!  The body of writing there makes me look like I am prolific.  It is lying, but that is fine with me.

I decided to start this thing up because my Live Journal was starting to really depress me.  It was like shouting in an empty auditorium and hearing only my own echo when I would post things there.  It used to be a forum where people would blog and comment and share and blah blah blah! Now it is just for fanfic, I think.  Which is awesome if you are into fanfic.  If not, then it can get kind of lonely.  So! I haven't actually told anyone about this new thing, though it seems EGB has found me anyway! Hi!  Let's give it a whirl and see how it goes.  Blogspot definitely seems a warmer, less echo-y environment.

Here's hoping for some sort of blog writing satisfaction in the New Year!  Happy Holidays, ya'll!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

So that you know

I have a glaring of cats, or a clutter, or a pride? Definitely a glaring though.  If they were still babies, they would be a kindle, an intrigue or (boring!) a litter.  I would have to say they were more of an intrigue than a litter.  When they were fatter (we have trimmed them down to a less embarrassing girth), I would have thought of them as a "puddle" of cats.

Animal group names are very important.  You can't just go around calling animals all packs or prides or pods and such.  That just wouldn't be right.  Somebody, somewhere came up with names for these groups and we should use them! Also, they make for great party conversation, though you might out yourself as the biggest cat-owning geek there and either, thereby, make a ton of friends or lose a ton...depending on what kind of people you had as friends to begin with.

I was looking up what a group of women (female humans) would be called but found nothing, um...positive.  I am thinking of going with a few I found for different animal groups: a shrewdness (as with apes), a battery (of barracudas), a convocation (of eagles), a charm (of finches), a romp (of otters), a harem (of seals), a murmuration (of starlings), a wisdom (of wombats).  I tried to avoid the more obvious bird-related, brood or bevy or nest or what have you.  But also...a wisdom of wombats?  Really?  This group term should be for critters far more deserving than wombats.

M and I were just on a trip with others where these animal group names came up as we were all settling down for the night.  It was decided that a series of murder mystery novels should be written in accordance with animal group names.  A Glaring of Cats (dun dun DUN!), The Murder of Crows (who dunnit?!), The Business of Ferrets (Inspector Poirot, with a furry, spazzy twist).

I shall include myself in my group of cats.  Prepare to be glared upon!