Thursday, December 16, 2010

Workin' It

Hey now.

Let's get this Glaring going.

Originally, I was thinking of using this space to post funny things I had written (well, funny to me, at least) way back when and some stuff I have written more recently.  Ok, not all of these things are actually funny.  Some are deranged, twisted and disturbing...but whatever, creativity and stuff!

I have been digging up some old notebooks from college and I even have things from high school and beyond!  The body of writing there makes me look like I am prolific.  It is lying, but that is fine with me.

I decided to start this thing up because my Live Journal was starting to really depress me.  It was like shouting in an empty auditorium and hearing only my own echo when I would post things there.  It used to be a forum where people would blog and comment and share and blah blah blah! Now it is just for fanfic, I think.  Which is awesome if you are into fanfic.  If not, then it can get kind of lonely.  So! I haven't actually told anyone about this new thing, though it seems EGB has found me anyway! Hi!  Let's give it a whirl and see how it goes.  Blogspot definitely seems a warmer, less echo-y environment.

Here's hoping for some sort of blog writing satisfaction in the New Year!  Happy Holidays, ya'll!

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