Tuesday, June 21, 2011

It's Summer!

There is a season going on in NoCal right now.  It's terribly exciting.  It is warm...like, REAL summer time warm here.  In the upper 80's and, as usual, it's really amusing to see how the locals react to "weather".

Whilst on my neighborly walkabout, I witnessed a few signs of summer:

1) A group of hippies in the park, sitting in a circle, smoking weed and talking about nothing in particular.  One of them started getting cheerfully agitated about someone who was acting stupid and not following orders from his family, when in danger.  The rest of the hippies laughed and passed the dutchie on the left hand side...good summer fun...(they smelled rather ripe).

2) Exiting their home, a couple of near-to-middle-aged yuppies began a verbal altercation about the politics of shoving.  Both of them seemed rather put out by warmth (and severe lack of air conditioning anywhere abouts these parts) and the woman decided to show her frustration by literally pushing her dude out the door.  He, understandably, got pissed and spoke about how it was entirely not appropriate as an action to take in public just because she was cranky.  Ahhhhhh, that summer sun.

3) Lady in an old Prius and lots of cute liberal bumperstickers espousing a "fighting Democrat" and Darwin fishes and the like, crawls up the street, assumedly looking for a certain house number and not using her reading glasses.  Suddenly, there is a revving of engines as another Prius (new, red and shiny) has silently crept up behind her and the driver has just shown displeasure at her snail's pace by revving, honking and angrily pulling around her to zoom off to the stop sign.  She, also now angry, screams out her open window, "F--- You!" and flustered, has to remember to stop the car and repossess herself so that she can make out more house numbers further along the block.  New Prius, on the other hand, doesn't give a crap and tries to speed off from the stop sign to show her what what...only, you know, Prii don't really rev well in general and therefore, the New Prius sort of quietly turned the corner quickly and left the scene.

4) Cats get bored in the heat.  Normally, they sleep all day, but when it's warm, they sleep double hard...except when they get bored and antsy.  I saw at least two cats out on my rounds, just chilling out on the pavement, loving the even hotter cooking temperatures of the sun-warmed cement on their furry little bodies.

4.1) There is some sort of bird murder scene on the front lawn.  I assume a cat was the "actor" (isn't that what cops call suspected bad guys now-adays?) but it could have easily been a dog.  The victim appears to be a male scrub jay, or western blue jay of some sort.  After examining the evidence, I could not find a body which further leads me to believe the actor was a cat.  Plumage litters the lawn, bright blue feathers with black tips and fluffy grey under plumage feathers in bunches.  I believe the victim was caught in our fig tree and perhaps, batted to the ground and tortured for a while before being dragged off home to show some proud (disgusted) owners/parents.  My number one suspect is that naughty white cat with brown splotches down the street.  He has been seen recently in the area, taunting the dog next door and he has been known in the past to start fights and flirt heavily with our two cats.  Bad Kitty!...littering on my lawn...Bad!

5) Sweat.

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