Tuesday, October 30, 2012


That's a ghost.


This is the time of year I wish I could just loan someone's kid and go out and have a bunch of fun.  Adults look creepy going trick-or-treating by themselves, or going to the science museum, or making gingerbread houses.  Adults get laughed at for getting excited about gingerbread men, getting a bunch of chocolate coins ready, or making drawings of hand-turkeys.

There should be some sort of kid loan, for sure! Especially to go out to things like trick-or-treat block parties and the obligatory Nutcracker show, or sledding and snowballs and playing in piles of leaves....cause let me just warn you, adults that do this get the side-eye a lot.  A LOT!  From personal experience, I speak.

It's like, not acceptable for an adult to make a pile of snowballs and launch them at unawares visitors or friends in the neighborhood.  Totally not acceptable.  But if you have a kid with you, it's allllll ok (probably still irks the neighbors and they still think you're a douche, but whatever).

Late fall and winter are the best.  The best holidays and activities.  So much fun! So much unattainable without a kid by your side, fun!

Adults going to the pumpkin patch and looked at as potential pervs at worst and just plain weirdos in general.

alas alas alas.

So, definitely looking forward to having an excuse to do all these fun things without getting put on the neighborhood watch list or some such.

Is it acceptable to drag a 12 month old baby around to trick-or-treat? We shall SEE!


Thursday, September 27, 2012

Summer time?

Ha! Whoops!

Well, let's pretend the Summer never happened anyway...cause...well, it really doesn't around here.  I think we had one or two days above 80 and done.

Whatever, Fall is so much better.  Has cooler holidays, good build up to Winter and so on.  Even around here...sorta.  Fall is the lead-in to rainy season here.  It's harvest season and I feel less of a crack-a-doo walking around with my jacket on than in the Summer.  But the holiday thing is for real.  Better holidays by far.  You have the high holy days for the Jews, you have Halloween and Thanksgiving and then all those weird federal holidays on Mondays as well.

Fall is also the lead-in to flu season.  Got me a flu vaccine today.  Got one of those AND a whooping cough vaccine...didn't read the side effects until after I had already got it.  So....maybe this nasty feeling in my stomach and headache are from the vaccine?  I could see it.  Just so long as it stays tame like this and only a bit crampy.  Nothing crazy, please.  Come on, antibodies! Right?  Seriously though, I remember getting one of those Hepatitis vaccines in high school and then going to a friend's birthday party and wondering why I felt so disgusting the whole time, until I went back and read the side effects.

I always get side effects.  But I don't realize that's what they are til I get them and then go back and read them on the info packs.  Doh! I hope this set of side effects is like that Hep vaccine I got where I only felt disgusting and nothing much came of it after that.  Fight those dead viruses, body, fight!

I am actually super psyched about it being October in a few days.  I just want the summer to be done with.  I'm really excited about seeing rain again.  It gets tedious with sunny, breezy days.  I know I complain about that a lot, but for real...it gets pretty Groundhog Day up in here.

Good sign, though! Had to turn on the heat today.  Yes! And football's in regular season.  Yes! Finally for the Fall and Winter months.  And now I am all vaccinated against the nasties, so I can lick as many BART seats as I please, right?  Isn't that how vaccinations work? 

I'm pretty sure it is.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Whatever, May

I missed May.

I really meant to post in May.  I did.  I was even going to post up til about midnight yesterday, at which point I decided it was too late.

Oh well!

It's June now.  So, let's move on from past blog neglecting.

Hurray for June! If I were in a state that afforded more than two seasons, this would be the onset of summer and it would feel sluggish, but the air would smell all heavy and fertile.  As is, the air smells about the same as it does most of the year, except the grass is still green right now...so that's nice.

Actually, the air smells a lot better today since I asked the neighbor to please move his construction guy's port-o-potty from right outside my bedroom window.  That's what I woke up to at 4 in the morning; the gentle breeze off the bay, wafting through the screen and sending sweet tendrils of eau de toilet to my nostrils.  Ahhhhh. Gag. Slam window shut and then I stayed up for an hour seething about it and attempting to calm myself down so that I wouldn't just go over there in my bathrobe and bang on the door and be like, "yo! I woke up to poop-stink in my face! move yer damn crapper!" I didn't.  Instead I imagined all kinds of things happening to the neighbor and all the ways he irritates me (though he is a very nice man and super friendly [which may just irritate me altogether more]).  I stayed up going through this huge list until I started to hear the birds chirping.  I peeked out my window about 4:45 and saw his freaking lights were on.  ALL of them. Another thing on my list.

Dude keeps WTF hours.  No other house on the street had every light (or even one) blazing at that time.  But he does.  He's like a busy-body old woman.

ok ok....enough about the neighbor.  Seeing as how I spend a lot of time in the house, I have established a pretty good relationship with a lot of our neighbors.

This may be the first time in our history that I actually know neighbor's names and chat with them sometimes.

This also means that the normally benign, semi-coo-coo neighbors are amplified from having to deal with them more often (as in, I used to work 6 days a week, 8-10 hours a day away from home and now I pretty much am at home 24/7).  So...Mr. Niceguy next door with weird habits, ongoing construction and extreme chattiness is totally pinching my irritation nerve.  But, hurray for me! I am still relatively a nice public person and was able to wait until morning to go over (when I saw him outside picking out rocks from his front lawn/dirt pile in a Jersey track suit and flip flops [WHY does this annoy me so?]) to talk with him about moving the port-o-potty to somewhere not 5 feet in front of our windows.  He was super nice and accommodating and apologized "I didn't even think about that" (grumble grumble, I KNOW!).  We chatted about construction time frames and whether or not my landlords were going to finally fix that thing that's on their side of the fence but effing up his yard and so on.  He didn't even have to ask his guys to move the potty.  They heard me complaining (hopefully in a nice-ish way...errrrmmmm) and went as if summoned by telepathy to move the thing all together while neighbor and I still chatted on the porch. 

Mission accomplished! I felt silly for allowing myself to get so pissed during the early morning hours and lose sleep over this....but, you know...I DID have to close the window and sweat and stuff with the cat sleeping on my feet like a furnace...soooooo. I suffered.


YAY! June! You know why? Only one more month (so he says) of jackhammers in the morning.  I look forward to wishing everyone a happy hammer-less day.  They won't know what I'm talking about and will probably go home that night to write about their irritating, socially awkward neighbor ranting about hammers and brown grass and port-o-potties.

ahhhhhh, the circle of life.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Wasn't I going to use this space to, like, write mind-blowing stories and discuss brainy matters and junk?  Hm...pfft.

So...dude.  I think I am starting to seriously O.D. on kale.  It was a wonder veggie for a couple of years there, for sure.  It had all the heartiness (read: fiber), vitamins, flavor, feel-healthy appeal.  For real! It still sort of does.  But I think I am getting to the breaking point with it (I mean, also, it helps that it's super cheap at the store and farmer's market).

But now, every time I think about it, I feel either total disdain or even a slight nausea.  We have kale for greens, make kale chips (I have totally O.D.'ed on those!), blend it into sauces, soups...We braise it, bake it, steam it.  Really, it's been our go-to veggie and now I think I am done.

I'm trying to think of when something like this has happened before and it might be the curry stew phase I went through a few years ago.

I made curry stew out of everything.  EVERYTHING! "What's left over in the fridge?  Oh? Some KFC, sweet potatoes, and Brussels sprouts from last week? Sounds great!" Then I fry up some onions and garlic, toss in the curry spice mixture (turmeric, cumin, ginger, curry, cinnamon powders), stir stir stir, add longest cooking (potatoes) and then the rest and let sit simmering for about an hour.  I usually added water too, so things wouldn't stick. 

When I say, "everything," I mean, everything.  "What's on sale at the store? Oh? blueberries, chicken breast and canned okra? Sounds like a curry stew night!" That one was my curry stew low point, admittedly.  Fortunately, my wifey wasn't at home for that and I only had to face my coworkers with my savory-scented blue glop the next day at lunch.  They actually scooted away from me at the lunch table...even when I tried to reassure them that it was curry! Really, just curry! "Curry and WHAT? Why's it blue?"  Sigh.  "That's cause of the blueberries skins, duh." Concerned looks.

Right, so, since then, I have sort of burned out on curry stew and I have repelled others with my creative ingredient choices for said stew.

I suppose that's where we are now with the kale.  Ew. Even thinking about it makes me feel bleh.

Of course, currently I am sort of getting obsessed again with sweet potatoes.  So hurray for sweet potatoes! They are great! Full of vitamins, roughage, minerals and flavor.  Yum!

(Maybe I can work them into some sort of curry....)

Thursday, March 29, 2012


I just finished watching all the seasons (minus the TV movie) of Farscape television series.  Though some of the characters really, truly got on my nerves (to the point that I would fast forward their monologues) and some of the plot got sticky and stupid, I got that feeling I get when watching a series 2 or 3 episodes a day in a row...I missed them like buddies when the show ended and find myself wondering how they are doing.

I think the show got too mired down in being dark and broody, especially in the 4th season.  They also sort of took away the main female's strength and made her an emotional wreck that was not capable of living her life without the main guy in it...which is sad to see.

There was also a lot of physical violence against so called friends and allies that I don't really understand why it had to be a part of the show.  Like, why, to make a point, do you have to hit people in the head so much to knock them unconscious? Or, why, to get your ideas through to someone, do you have to grab them and drag them here and there or push them or kick them?  It seemed all rather barbaric, especially since the main character is supposed to be a rocket scientist, not an abusive meat head.

But all that aside, it was a rich tv show and had a lot of depth of emotion and character development and how people deal with constant stress and the need for community.

Right...so, to give some methadone to my Farscape addiction, once it ended, I jumped immediately on the next scifi series I had lined up in the queue...Lexx.  Yo...Lexx made me appreciate Farscape even more! I gave Lexx it's first season and half of the second, but it was so hollow and just obsessed with being demented that I decided it wasn't worth the time to watch it.  The plot lines were sketchy, the acting was pretty sad and the writing was uninspiring. 

I can understand what they were trying to go for there (especially in the first season) with future dystopia and playing off of 1950's/60's scifi literature and pulp.  I could even smell a bit of Buck Rogers, Farscape, and Blade Runner in there.

Unfortunately, it didn't hold my attention long enough with it's psycho sex obsession or gross out factors. 

So now I am hunting for a new Farscape.  I think I will soon start the Walking Dead, since everyone seems to say how awesome it is, and it's now on Netflix.

From spaceships to zombies.

Good times!

Thursday, February 9, 2012


okay okay...it's been more than a month since my last post.  Boo! sloppy!  self-shaming complete and moving on..

So, I was thinking about regeneration the other day in that half-sleep thing in the early morning.  I was thinking about regeneration...not half-sleep or early mornings...er...anyway.

So! Regeneration.  It was, like, brilliant what I came up with while half-asleep.  The ideas and the arguments and the tangents and everything.  What I have salvaged from that brain storm are these thoughts:

1). Since they can now grow ears on mice, why can't they grow ears on people?  Like, ears on people missing ears?  Really. It hardly makes sense to grow the ear somewhere else and then attach it to the person.  Why not just get that thing started up and growing on the person in the first place?  I am no whatever-term-ologist that deals with growing replacement body parts on rodents and stitching them to live person-flesh; but I feel like there has to be an easier way than that. 

Is this like that whole pig valves and baboon hearts thing of the 80's and 90's?  Remember when that was a thing people talked about and did?  Putting pig heart valves into faulty rich white guy hearts?  I am pretty sure that was a thing, anyway.  I was a bit younger and more susceptible to mixing up movies and other fictional media with real news stories.  But I am pretty sure about the pig valve thing.  The baboon heart may just have been a Christian Slater movie, but I can't be sure.  Anyway!

The biggest issue I would have with this growing a body part on an animal or using a pre-existing animal body part for people is that I had no idea that animal and people blood types were compatible.  Do you have to find an A+ pig if you want to use the valves?  Or is it flesh-typing?  Can you get the right flesh-type for baboon hearts?  I can see that maybe...but the ear on the mouse thing, I totally don't see that happening.  Mouse blood types and people blood types can't be near the same, can they?

Grow a new ear! Grow a new nose! But maybe grow them yourself, however it is they grow them on rats in labs.

2). Now that there are 3-D printers, people are muttering about the possibilities for the future with printing body parts for transplant or creating food from dyes and such.  I have seen some of these print outs of 3-D things, but they use some sort of plastic to make the prints.  How would you print out a heart, anyway?  Wouldn't you need the right combo of proteins or something?  I mean, a viable heart.  Because I think printing out a perfectly shaped heart wouldn't be that hard to do.  You could program the machine with your protein glop and set it to print out your new heart and have it done in a couple of hours.  But I don't know if that would just be some sort of nasty gallery art piece, or an actual working heart.  What sad person would have to try that thing out as the first recipient of the printed out heart? 

3). If you could combine the mouse-ear thing and the print out thing, maybe you could actually regenerate something, like an ear or kidney.  Maybe you could grow your own tissue in the mouse (why is it always a rodent?  Wouldn't you get more pay-out off of a larger animal, able to produce more ears per square inch?) for the ear then take it to be finished off in the printer with the perfect little curls and whorls you need for your ear?

4). I feel like, at some point, people will unlock the gene buried deep down in our ancient DNA that regulates regeneration....like tadpoles! Or worms or something.  Maybe those salamanders that drop their tails and grow them back.  Anyway, at some point scientists are going to unlock that gene and then find a way to jump-start your body into regenerating that pinky you lost in wood shop.  Or the skin you lost on your calf from that nasty biking accident.  Or the kidney that failed you on your way to diabetes...and so on.

It would be cool to grow out your arm again, after losing it to the lawn mower.  I wonder how long it would take?  Would it take as long to grow an adult arm as it took to grow it in the first place?  I bet it would hurt like crazy with the growth spurts and the nerves and stretching and all.  Accelerated growth would probably hurt even more...But still, it would be pretty cool to see the transformation of the tiny finger nubs to a working hand and elbow and muscles.

At the very least, it would be a great conversation piece!  Much unlike animatedly discussing growing ears on mice and printing out human hearts from a protein slurry.  That...that doesn't seem to win anyone over in the conversation department.

Also, maybe a magical 'Arry Potta spell for regenerating! Crescere Aurem! Whoosh! Tah dah! Watch me wiggle this!